
The Gobi Desert

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Happy Easter and Happy Spring

Well, we have finally emerged from the long, cold winter leaving the snow behind for warmer temperatures.  Ever so slowly the buds on the trees are starting to show.  The locals are out and about and the backpackers are showing up as they trek across Asia.  If you're not used to seasons, it's hard to understand this ritual.  Below I've included a few photos from my iPhone of the city reawakening.  In two weeks I'll be in Hong Kong for Spring Break with my good friend, Nancy with many photos to follow. 
Tom n' Toms Coffee

Downtown UB



  1. I love it! Yes! It warms up a bit and people start coming out. I realize I have neighbors! Ha ha!
    Have a great time in Hong Kong. My best friend just spent a few days there and I wished I was with her! Enjoy for me! Can't wait for the pics.

  2. Hi Patty, You're the best! I know you can relate to snow:)
