
The Gobi Desert

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Second Chances

It's been a while, but second chances are always worth waiting for!!! With that said, in a couple of weeks I'm heading back to Phnom Penh, Cambodia to teach at the same school, EWIS from 4 years ago in the middle of Covid!!! Phew!!!

I'm very excited and will have lots of pictures, etc. to share as I embark on yet another journey in my life. I have enclosed a few pictures from last time.

Please wish me well as I wish you well on whatever journey you are experiencing:)

Monday, December 11, 2023

A Mongolian Memoir Video Interview by Feminine Roadmap


Happy Holidays!

My last interview is out and it’s a video by Feminine Roadmap about my book, A Mongolian Memoir. It’s about an hour and I’m very pleased!

Please enjoy and as always thanks,


PS Remember my book for the holidays😊




Wednesday, October 25, 2023

A Mongolian Memoir Interview

As of October, 2023 this is my latest interview about my book, A Mongolian Memoir and my time spent this summer in Mongolia after six years. It's 30 minutes and very good. Enjoy!


Monday, August 14, 2023

A Return Visit to Mongolia After Six Years

On Friday, July 7 I left LAX and arrived Sunday, July 9 at the new airport in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia after an absence of six years. Fifteen hour flight, fifteen hour time difference. I was met by my driver, Dawa and my teacher, Boogii and her children, Khuchit and Angela.  Smiles everywhere. Over the next almost four weeks I stayed with both my teachers, Muugii and Boogii and their wonderful families. I also spent some time in my favorite desert, the Gobi.  With so much to share, it's better to show the photos. As I journeyed through Mongolia, I posted many pictures on Facebook so some of these are repeats, and some are new. Please enjoy:)

Photographer: Khuchit

Boogii, Diane and Muugii at her home

Celebrating Naadam Festival

Muugii and Muugii

Getting ready for the big Naadam Horse Race

Eight year old racing today on a 2yr old pony, no saddle

Preparing for the race by singing.

A blessing by owner of Airag, horse's mother's milk.

Inside the owner's ger

I met these twins from Mongolia and we enjoyed sharing our experiences.

Inside one of my favorite art galleries in Ulaanbaatar.

Spent the day with Muugii's family at Terelj National Park

Celebrating women!

White Stupa in the Gobi, the coldest desert in the world.

This is how I like my breakfast!

Demchig Monastery

Mongolian dog called Bankhar helps to keep the wolves at bay!

Falcon, national bird of Mongolia leading us out of the Gobi.

Once again, Dawa driving me around!

Boogii's 40th birthday

A fantastic museum in Ulaanbaatar!

It seems I had to travel 6,000 miles to get the best wax!

My favorite place, Millie's and with Daniel, the owner....
....and the best mocha!!!

Walking the Tuul River in Zaisan


Khuchit and Diane making scrambled eggs!

My favorite monastery, Gandan in UB.

A new place for next time!

Relaxing at Bogd Khan.  


Saying goodbye to my favorite people and place...until next time:)

Every morning father and son would meet. It seemed so special and what I believe makes Mongolia what it
until next time.

Tuesday, May 9, 2023



I have done several interviews for my Memoir. I have included two that are available each 30 minutes. Enjoy!

Donna Seebow Show Archive - Catch Up On Past Shows You Missed (

Click on ACCESS SHOW ARCHIVES and scroll down to May 2.

Monday, April 3, 2023

BBC Radio Interview


Please tap the link above for the BBC. On Sunday, April 2 I was on BBC Radio talking about my book, A MONGOLIAN MEMOIR. When you open the link, put the button on 46:00. It's about 15 minutes. I've gotten great feedback on doing an outstanding job! It was very exciting!!!

Friday, March 24, 2023



Please see my email for information on the press release that went out yesterday about my book, A MONGOLIAN MEMOIR. I've already setup some interviews! Please pass this information on to anyone who would be interested in A MONGOLIAN MEMOIR available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.

Thanks in advance, Diane